Ian Hammond

04 July 2024

Ian Hammond

When I first heard about Sincere Support, I was immediately struck by the profound impact they have on families in some of the most challenging times of their lives. Organizations like Sincere Support provide a lifeline, offering both practical help and compassionate care and their mission resonated with me and I wanted to do something to support this incredible cause.

Families dealing with a child's illness or loss often find themselves overwhelmed, not just emotionally, but financially as well. The costs associated with hospital stays, treatments, and the necessary time away from work can be devastating. Sincere Support steps in to alleviate some of these burdens, allowing families to focus on what truly matters: being there for their children and ensuring families can stay together during these critical times.

But it’s not just about the money. The emotional support Sincere Support offers is equally vital. Having someone to talk to, someone who understands what you're going through can make an enormous difference. Sincere Support connects families with counselling services, support groups, and a network of people who have faced similar challenges. This sense of community can provide comfort and strength during the darkest times.

Inspired by the incredible work of Sincere Support, I decided to embark on a unique fundraising challenge - as the manager of my son’s football team, Young Owls, during the 2023-24 season every week I cycled the round-trip distance between our ground and that of our opponents (or a minimum of 30 miles, whichever was the greater).

Fundraising for Sincere Support has been a rewarding experience. It’s not just about the money raised but the awareness spread, and knowing that our efforts can help ease the burden for families in crisis is incredibly fulfilling.

I encourage everyone to learn more about Sincere Support and consider how they can contribute. Whether it’s through donations, volunteering, or simply spreading the word, every little bit helps. Together, we can ensure that no family faces these challenges alone.

In conclusion, my charity cycle ride for Sincere Support was a very meaningful endeavour. It allowed me to contribute to an organization that provides essential services to families in need and I am proud to support their mission and grateful for the opportunity to make a difference.

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